0 Know How Secure Your Password is..?

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Thursday, June 24, 2010 ~ 0 Comments

Every one of us are always worried about our password and we all know that we should select the passwords that are not easy and are not the words that usually we use. But beside this we all lazy peoples do not thinks too much and keeps the passwords which are easy to remember like our name, and phone number and hundreds of words which we use in our daily life like mobile, computer and those all.

But ever you wanted to know that how secure your password is..? wanna see how long it might take a normal desktop computer to crack your password? Then here's a good site that i found which will tell you that how much time it will take.

Just go to the site, type down your password in the given field and find out!
The site doesn't log any info and it uses a combination of math and statistics to tell you how secure your password is.
There is also an another option from Microsoft which you can use.

How Secure Your Password Is
Microsoft Password Checker

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