0 [Know How To] Get Your Facebook Personal Link URL, like facebook.com/myname

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Thursday, June 17, 2010 ~ 0 Comments

Hey, Do you having your facebook personal link URL..!!? I've already taken mine, if you are not aware of it, then just read it, and hurry before someone take away that name..!!

The facebook personal link will convert your long facebook id with your very personal link.
The personal facebook link really looks good, and it's vary easy to share with your friends.

So, How to grab Facebook Personal Link..? Just look further..
1. Simply just go to http://www.facebook.com/username
2. Then select the username [which will become your personal link in facebook]

 3. Click on "Set Username" to save your facebook personal link URL.
     & Bingo...

Now you can have your facebook account with your very personal link insted of that long id number..!!

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