0 Now Youtube Supports Whooping 4k Resolution HD Videos

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010 ~ 0 Comments

Motion Pictures movie theaters and other companies needs only 2K resolution videos for the projection on a huge around 72 feet screen but now Youtube is providing the videos with 4K resolution. Previously Youtube was providing the videos upto 1080p HD resolution as they announced in December last year.

The 4K resolution, which is 4096 x 2304 pixels, it is over four times the larger than the 1080p. According to the Youtube, 4K resolution videos are mainly ideal for 25 feet screens. That means you can easily enjoy your world cup highlights or your favourite videos on a big screen directly from youtube. IMAX movies are projected through two 2K resolution projectors.

Here's below are some of the videos with Highest 4K resolution. As you start playing video you will have to click on the "Original" button from the pulldown menu.

One main thing, to enjoy this 4K resolution videos on your computer, you will need an ultra fast broadband connection.
Hope you will enjoy the videos, and if you having your broadband connection with your plasma or LCD, then just enjoy it with large screen.

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